All Jim Wells County Fair animal projects must be owned, placed on feed and in the exhibitor’s or their immediate family’s possession by validation dates.
All livestock entries and memberships are due to the 4-H leaders and FFA advisors on Friday, September 2, 2011. THERE WILL BE ABSOLUTELY NO EXCEPTIONS TO THE DEADLINE DATE. NO ENTRY FEES WILL BE REFUNDED AFTER THIS DATE. All livestock entries and memberships are due into the fair office on Wednesday, September 7, by 5:00 p.m. The County Extension Agent or FFA Advisors must sign entry cards BEFORE they are turned into the fair office. All paper work must be completed before being turned into the fair office.
MARKET RABBIT DIVISION – (STEWER RABBITS) Rabbit must be under 8 months (born after February 24, 2011 and born before April 27, 2011) and weigh 2 pounds on validation date. Be in the exhibitor's possession by Saturday, May 14, 2011. Minimum weight is 8 pounds; maximum weight is 11 pounds. VALIDATION and TATTOO DATE: Saturday, May 14, 2011, at the Jim Wells County Fairgrounds from 8:00 to 9:00 a.m. Any stewer rabbit may be double entered in the Breeding Show as long as they meet the required weights for breeding rabbits outlined in the American Rabbit Breeder Association “Standard of Perfection” book. ENTRY FEE: $6.00 per head. (ROASTER RABBITS) To be born after April 27, 2011, must be under 6 months of age. Be in the exhibitor's possession by Saturday, July 16, 2011. Minimum weight is 5½ pounds; maximum weight is 8 pounds. VALIDATION and TATTOO DATE: Saturday, July 16, 2011, at the fairgrounds from 8:00 to 10:00 a.m. ENTRY FEE: $6.00 per head
BREEDING RABBIT DIVISION - Must own rabbit by Saturday, July 16, 2011. Californian senior bucks 8 months and over must weigh 8 to 10 pounds. Californian intermediate bucks 6 to 8 months must weigh 8 to 9 pounds. Californian senior does 8 months and over must weigh 8½ to 10½ pounds. Californian intermediate does 6 to 8 months must weigh 8 to 9½ pounds. New Zealand senior bucks 8 months and over must weigh 9 to 11 pounds. New Zealand intermediate bucks 6 to 8 months must weigh 8 to 10 pounds. New Zealand senior does 8 months and over must weigh 10 to 12 pounds. New Zealand intermediate does 6 to 8 months must weigh 8 to 11 pounds. VALIDATION and TATTOO DATE: Saturday, July 16, 2011, at the fairgrounds from 8:00 to 10:00 a.m. ENTRY FEE: $10.00 per head.
MARKET POULTRY DIVISION – All market poultry must be ordered by order date. Exhibitors must order a minimum of 30 chicks in order to show both broilers and roasters. (TURKEYS-HENS ONLY) POSSESSION and VALIDATION DATE: Thursday, May 26, 2011, notified by division superintendent. Three (3) market entries from a project of 5 turkeys per exhibitor are allowed. ENTRY FEE: $6.00 per head. (ROASTERS-MALES ONLY WITH A MINIMUM WEIGHT OF 5 POUNDS) POSSESSION and VALIDATION DATE: Thursday, September 1, 2011, notified by division superintendent. Three (3) market entries from a project of 15 roasters per exhibitor are allowed. ENTRY FEE: $6.00 per head. (BROILERS-1 PEN OF 3-PULLETS ONLY, WITH A TOTAL PEN WEIGHT NOT TO BE LESS THAN 12 POUNDS) POSSESSION and VALIDATION DATE: Thursday, September 1, 2011, notified by division superintendent. Three (3) market entries from a project of 15 broilers are allowed. ENTRY FEE: $6.00 per pen. PLEASE NOTE: Exhibitors cannot exceed a total of three (3) poultry entries. Some examples are: Exhibitor may show 3 turkeys, or 3 roasters, or 3 pens of 3 broilers, or 1 turkey, 1 roaster and 1 pen of 3 broilers, etc.; if showing both roasters and broilers a minimum of 30 chicks must be ordered.
MARKET STEER DIVISION - Minimum weight 1000 pounds; no maximum weight. Steers must be shorn to not more than ¼ inch on any location of the body excluding the tail switch before arrival onto the fairgrounds; ¼ inch length will be checked at weigh-in. Steers not shorn will be disqualified from showing. VALIDATION DATE: Saturday, June 11, 2011, at the fairgrounds from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. STEERS WILL BE TAGGED AND NOSE PRINTED AT VALIDATION. ENTRY FEE: $6.00 per head.
MARKET LAMB DIVISION – Minimum weight 90 pounds except Southdown 80 pounds; maximum weight 155 pounds. Lambs must be slick/clean shorn prior to final weigh-in. CLASSIFICATION and VALIDATION DATE: Friday, June 24, 2011, at the fairgrounds from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. ENTRY FEE: $6.00 per head.
MARKET SWINE DIVISION - Minimum weight 230 pounds; maximum weight 280 pounds. VALIDATION DATE: Friday, July 1, 2011. ENTRY FEE: $6.00 per head.
BREEDING GILT DIVISION – Minimum weight 230 pounds; maximum weight 280 pounds. Breeding gilts will consist of 4 divisions: Duroc, Hampshire, OPB and Crosses. VALIDATION DATE: Friday, July 1, 2011. ENTRY FEE: $10.00 per head.
MARKET GOAT DIVISION – Market goats may be either wethers or does and must weigh a minimum of 70 pounds at weigh-in. POSSESSION and VALIDATION DATES: All goats must be in the exhibitor's or their immediate family's possession by Tuesday, July 12, 2011. Goats must be validated at the fairgrounds on one (either) of the following dates and times: Saturday, July 9, 2011, from 9:00 to 11:00 a.m. or Tuesday, July 12, 2011 from 7:00 to 8:00 p.m. ENTRY FEE: $6.00 per head.
BREEDING MEAT GOAT DIVISION – POSSESSION and VALIDATION DATE: All goats must be owned, validated, ear tagged or tattooed, placed on feed, and in the exhibitor’s or their immediate family’s possession in Jim Wells County by Friday, July 29, 2011. Breeding goats must be validated by e-mail to countyfair@sbcglobal.net on or before July 29, 2011 on official validation forms. Information provided must include exhibitor name, mailing address, phone #, club or chapter, name(s) of parent(s) or guardian(s), photo of goat, goat’s number id, goat’s sex, and goats approximate date of birth. Verification of validation will be e-mailed back to exhibitor at address provided. CHECK-IN: Goats are to be on the fairgrounds Wednesday, October 19, 2011, for check-in by noon. The division superintendent will assign pens if available. ENTRY FEE: $10.00 per breeding goat.
JUNIOR HORSE DIVISION – All horses entering the Jim Wells County Fair must be tested for EIA according to the Texas Animal Health Commission rules & regulations. The exhibitor or immediate family must own animal by August 10, 2011. Horses under lease, but not owned by exhibitor, do not qualify. Animal may be grade or registered, any breed. VALIDATION DATE: Wednesday, August 10, 2011 from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. and Saturday, August 13, 2011 from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m.. All horses must be at the fairgrounds to validate. You must have a Grade Identification Form or a copy of Registration Forms and a copy of all Coggins to leave at validation. ENTRY FEE: $10.00 per class.
JUNIOR BREEDERS BEEF HEIFER DIVISION – Heifer must be owned, in possession and registered in the name of the exhibitor by the parent association prior to August 13, 2011. Must show and have in possession the original registration papers (except the Houston Livestock Show Scramble heifers). VALIDATION DATE: Saturday, August 13, 2011, at the fairgrounds from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. WILL CHECK PAPERS AT VALIDATION. ENTRY FEE: $10.00 per head.
JUNIOR COMMERCIAL HEIFER DIVISION – A statement from the breeder as to the date of birth will determine age of heifers. Must show proof of ownership. Heifer must be in the exhibitor’s possession prior to Saturday, August 13, 2011. VALIDATION DATE: Saturday, August 13, 2011, at the fairgrounds from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. WILL CHECK BREEDERS’ STATEMENT AT VALIDATION. ENTRY FEE: $10.00 per head.
SCRAMBLE HEIFER DIVISION – A statement from the breeder as to the date of birth will determine age of heifers. Heifers must have come from a previously held Jim Wells County Calf Scramble. VALIDATION DATE: Saturday, August 13, 2011, at the fairgrounds from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. WILL CHECK BREEDERS’ STATEMENT AT VALIDATION. ENTRY FEE: $10.00 per head.
VOCATIONAL SHOP PROJECTS DIVISION – This division is open to all 4-H, FFA and FCCLA members enrolled in the public and parochial schools of Jim Wells County. Projects constructed during the previous 12 month period prior to the fair are eligible. Projects must be the direct result of the student’s own effort. Projects must be entered between 2:30 to 6:00 p.m. on Tuesday, October 18, 2011. Ribbons will be presented at approximately 10:30 a.m.in the Merchant's Building following judging on Wednesday, October 19, 2011. Exhibitor must sell a fair membership. ENTRY FEE: $1.00 per project.
HOME ECONOMICS DIVISION – Entry forms available at the County Extension Office. Entries must be turned into the same office by Friday, September 9, 2011. Articles must be the work of the exhibitor completed since the 2010 fair and have not been judged previously in the fair. ENTRY FEE: None (BUT PLEASE NOTE) youth entries must be a member of 4-H, FHA, FCCLA or an organized club and must sell one (1) fair membership ticket. To place articles in this division adults must be a member of the Fair Association. Senior citizens are free, no fee required.
CALF SCRAMBLE DIVISION – Only active 4-H and FFA members that live or go to school in Jim Wells County may participate. Contestants must answer 5 questions (on a separate sheet of paper) that are attached to the minor’s release/entry card. Contestants must submit the answered questions, minor’s release/entry card to the 4-H leaders and FFA advisors on Friday, September 2, 2011. Incomplete minor’s release will not be accepted. All information requested must be complete. RECIPIENTS MUST SUBMIT MONTHLY REPORTS TO THEIR SUPERVISORS, SPONSORS AND THE SCRAMBLE HEIFER SUPERINTENDENT BY NO LATER THAN THE 10TH OF EACH MONTH.